Granny’s Homemade Apple Pie Filling


Fall is one of the most fruitful seasons of the year, at least for apples it is. There is such a variety of this brightly- colored crisp fruit from the Granny Smiths, Gala, Macintosh, Red Delicious and every variation in between, it would be difficult to find one that doesn’t appeal to your taste buds! But did you know that besides this fruit’s yummy appeal they are also really good for you? I’m sure most people are familiar with the saying ‘an apple a day keeps the Doctor away’ and the inception of that saying was truly based on sound medical evidence. They can prevent heart disease and cancer, contain vitamin C, and can even prevent tooth decay.

Not surprising, I think most of our grandmothers and even great grandmother believed this to be true which was evident by the frequency my own grandmother used to bake apple pies. As a child I remember every time I visited her house there always seemed to be one sitting on the counter cooling just begging to be eaten. As children, I am certain we didn’t care it was good for us, all we cared about was that it tasted so yummy!

Apples of any variety are great eaten by themselves but when you use them to make an apple pie, apple dumplings, or even an apple turnover they turn into a heavenly delight! Although these appealing apple desserts can be so delicious to consume, they can also be time consuming to make. The following recipe, although it might take some time to prepare, is well worth it and the best part is, you will have plenty of apple pie filling on hand for when you want to make these tempting apple pastries! Using the recipe below you will be able to make an adequate amount of Granny’s Homemade Apple Pie Filling to be able to freeze it until you are ready to bake your turnover, dumpling, or pie. Baking a luscious dessert made from apples has never been so easy and this recipe is sure to win rave reviews when you serve it!

In order to learn about the ingredients and whole preparation process of granny’s apple pie filling visit this website:


14 cups apples (your choice of variety-Macintosh, Red delicious or Gala are recommended)) peeled, cored and thinly sliced

2-3/4 cups granulated sugar

3/4 cup cooking starch

1-1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

2-1/2 cups apple juice

1/2 of a fresh lemon (premade lemon juice van be substituted)

1-1/4 cups water (cold water works best)


1. Using about 4 cups of the apple slices at a time cook them gently for approximately 1-2 minutes. Remove and drain. Put aside in a bowl covered.

2. In a large pan or pot, combine sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon, and cooking starch.-Blend well.

3. Slowly stir in the apple juice with the cold water. Slowly bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Stir frequently until the apple mixture thickens and begins to form bubbles.

4. Squeeze lemon juice from lemon into the mixture and stir-heat for approximately 1 more minute.

5. Remove from heat. Place apple slices a few cups at a time into the mixture stir and set aside to cool.

*Always allow the mixture to cool before storing. Spoon mixture into glass jars or jams jars with air-tight lids. Store until ready to use.

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